How old is Renee Rapp?

Birthdate: 10 January 2000

Age: 25 years 2 months 5 days

How old is Renee Rapp in days now?

Total Days Alive: 9196 days

When is the next birthday of Renee Rapp?

Next Birthday: 10 months 1 days

What is the zodiac sign of Renee Rapp?

Zodiac: Capricorn


Renee Rapp, born on 10 January 2000, is a talented stage actress and singer who has delivered a number of striking performances on Broadway, most notably in Mean Girls. Hailing from North Carolina, she grew up in the city of Huntersville alongside her parents and younger brother, Charlie. Her interest in acting ignited during her elementary school years, where she received unwavering support from her family.

Renee participated actively in her high school drama club and attended the Northwest School of the Arts, where she garnered much appreciation for her exceptional acting talents. By the late 2010s, she ventured into musicals like Spring Awakening, earning various awards for her stunning performances.

In the early 2020s, Renee expanded her career into television, appearing in projects such as Broadway Profiles and Take Me to the World. Since mid-2022, she has also been involved in producing the show The Six Lives of College Girls. Additionally, she recorded an EP titled Everything To Everyone, which received warm acclaim from her fans. Outside her artistic pursuits, Renee enjoys playing golf in her free time.

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