How old is Jynxzi? In 2025

Birthdate: 26 September 2001

Age: 23 years 5 months 17 days

How old is Jynxzi in days now?

Total Days Alive: 8571 days

When is the next birthday of Jynxzi?

Next Birthday: 6 months 15 days

What is the zodiac sign of Jynxzi?

Zodiac: Libra


Jynxzi, born Nick Stewart on 26 September 2001, is a charismatic Twitch star and an experienced streamer whose successful career as a social media influencer started in the field of gaming. Growing up in the U.S. alongside his supportive mother, Jynxzi developed a passion for gaming at a young age.

He began participating in competitive gaming in the mid-2010s, which paved the way for him to open his first Twitch and TikTok channels. His engaging streams attracted a massive audience, earning him about 1.1 million subscribers on Twitch. Jynxzi’s TikTok showcases his comedic talent and glimpses into his daily life, further endearing him to his loyal fans.

As a high-flying influencer, Jynxzi continues to create appealing content that resonates with his audience, solidifying his status as a prominent figure in the gaming community.

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