How old is Griffin Santopietro?

Birthdate: 5 January 2005

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How old is Griffin Santopietro in days now?

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When is the next birthday of Griffin Santopietro?

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What is the zodiac sign of Griffin Santopietro?

Zodiac: Capricorn


Griffin Santopietro, born on 5 January 2005, is a talented young TV actor who has captured the attention of audiences worldwide. Originally from Portland, he spent his formative years in Connecticut with his parents and two brothers. With a passion for performing from a young age, Griffin’s journey in entertainment began when he was just 11 years old, making his debut in the documentary series Homicide Hunter.

His big break came in 2018 when he secured a recurring role on the popular Netflix series Cobra Kai, which has garnered a massive fanbase and critical acclaim. In addition to his work on Cobra Kai, Griffin has appeared in several other projects, including Week Of and The Rack Pack, showcasing his versatility as an actor.

Beyond acting, Griffin has started to build a presence on social media, particularly Instagram, where he has attracted around one hundred thousand followers as of early 2025. His journey is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and undeniable talent, making him one of the rising stars in the television industry.

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